Maestro Caballero 57 n3 (click images for larger view)

This is the view from my window, its Calle Maestro Caballero. The photo in the post below, taken at night, is looking the other way, down Calle Sargento del Rio Llamas. You can tell from the photos that our neighbours are pretty close. It reminds of the Hitchcock film "Rear WIndow." I can see what's going on in everyone's apartment (nothing special really) and hear what everyone is watching on tv. (There's an allusion to this in the Simpsons where Bart breaks his leg and gets a telescope to spy on the neighbourhood.) Its quite noisy in the street, especially Friday, Saturday, Sunday night. The worst is that they collect the garbage between 1:00 and 2:00am--every night! In Spain fireworks are more popular and used for many occasions: weddings especially, but also birthdays, holidays, etc. Basically there is also a lot less concern for other people here. If you can't sleep because your neighbour is watching a soccer game or exploding firecrackers, its your problem. Fair enough.

This is our kitchen. That's our washing machine, in the kitchen.

Bathroom. We have another one thats not as nice. There is a severe water shortage in this area right now. It has rained once, very little, since I've come.
I think we have the key to get on the roof of our building. I'll post some photos from there for sure.
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